Monday 7 April 2014

My Soul Journey - Epic Fail!

Well it is the end of week one and all I have to say is EPIC FAIL!! LOL At least I tried and all I can do is not let it get me down and try again :) I WILL keep working at it I know there will be ups and downs along the way thats life so i'll just keep going..

Tuesday 1 April 2014

My Soul Journey ☆ April ☆

My April 2014 Monthly Focus..
Today I thought about what I wanted 'My Soul Journey' monthly focus to be on and this is the conclusion I came to..

My Time Management Skills - Currently to put it bluntly they SUCK! I get distracted, side tracked and carried away easily and I am certain that AJ will gladly confirm that.. I mean I'm currently doing it now LOL!
So I decided that this is the most important one to start with as without this none of the others are achievable!
Also I am feeling really scattered there is so much I want to do but don't know where to start, my mind is racing and I can't seem to switch my head off because I don't want to forget therfore I can't sleep which makes me unfocused and is creating a cycle that's just not helping! Hopefully a plan and a focused routine will help, along with sleep so in saying that...

My Task For Tomorrow - Establishing a routine to prepare for sleep starting at 9:30pm so I am in bed ready for sleep at 10pm NO IF'S AND'S OR BUT'S!
Clearly this did not happen today as it is close to 1am and I am sitting in Leilas room settling her because she can't stop coughing! But (oops not going very well already - I said NO BUT'S) I have made it my task starting tomorrow! I will set a alarm to tell me to go to bed :P

My Task For This Week - Plan & Write Out/Update the Calender Timetable and STICK TO IT! Test it out and make sure it is - achievable, within reason, meets not only my needs but the families too...

I will follow up to jot down my progress, successes, failures and my next task for improving my time management skills!

♡ Mummy Madness!

My Soul Journey

This is my journal after all.. so these are just some of the things I write just like any other journal... diary entry's, notes and random jotting.. basically you are seeing the inner workings of this somewhat insane mummy! So if it seems weird to you and makes no sense no one's making you follow along :P otherwise enjoy my randomness
♡ Mummy Madness

The things I would like to work on to improve myself and expand my mind..
This is my list of ideas and things I want to look at in myself to help me pick a goal or task for the month that I would like to achieve.. 
It takes 21 days to make something routine I will pick a task and write out:
My task for myself - What I am going to focus on improving/set out to do this month?
Steps I plan on taking and implementing to achieve the goal for the month
How I am going to implement them into my daily life ( Visuals, Alarms...)
How I am going for the month - continual updates  and journy entry's of my struggles & successes, things that didn't work and need to be changed
Final outcome for the end of the month - How did I go? The things that worked. Where too next? Is there a lead on? am I where I wanted to be at the end of the month?

Peacful Soul & Inspiring my Mind -
Enjoying life & family, knowledge & learning, recharging my spirit, inner peace and happiness, mind food - food for thought, inspiration for myself, taking time for myself so I am in a better frame of mind (yes being a little selfish), expanding my mind, taking time to smell the roses..

Being a better person -
Ask yourself -
Who do you want to be? self improvement, good karma, leading by example, helping and inspiring others, life lessons, teaching..

Healthy Living -
Healthy mind, healthy body, fitness, food, energy, social connections..

Many of these fit in multiple categories :)
My progress can be followed in the My Soul Journey tag