Tuesday 1 April 2014

My Soul Journey ☆ April ☆

My April 2014 Monthly Focus..
Today I thought about what I wanted 'My Soul Journey' monthly focus to be on and this is the conclusion I came to..

My Time Management Skills - Currently to put it bluntly they SUCK! I get distracted, side tracked and carried away easily and I am certain that AJ will gladly confirm that.. I mean I'm currently doing it now LOL!
So I decided that this is the most important one to start with as without this none of the others are achievable!
Also I am feeling really scattered there is so much I want to do but don't know where to start, my mind is racing and I can't seem to switch my head off because I don't want to forget therfore I can't sleep which makes me unfocused and is creating a cycle that's just not helping! Hopefully a plan and a focused routine will help, along with sleep so in saying that...

My Task For Tomorrow - Establishing a routine to prepare for sleep starting at 9:30pm so I am in bed ready for sleep at 10pm NO IF'S AND'S OR BUT'S!
Clearly this did not happen today as it is close to 1am and I am sitting in Leilas room settling her because she can't stop coughing! But (oops not going very well already - I said NO BUT'S) I have made it my task starting tomorrow! I will set a alarm to tell me to go to bed :P

My Task For This Week - Plan & Write Out/Update the Calender Timetable and STICK TO IT! Test it out and make sure it is - achievable, within reason, meets not only my needs but the families too...

I will follow up to jot down my progress, successes, failures and my next task for improving my time management skills!

♡ Mummy Madness!