Tuesday 8 July 2014

Mental Cleanse Challenge - Day 8

Let's see if I did completed all my steps today or technically yesterday as it is just after midnight :P I tend to struggle and focus on original plans when something goes wrong and it was a little sad today, which put me out of whack :( their was a mistake made and we lost Leila's first bike that she ever owned and it was from her Pa! We are hoping it will make its way back to us though!
1. Green smoothie and 3 main meals for the day a very good and proper breakfast, lunch and dinner.. YAY! ☆Check
2. Keeping a Journal for clear thoughts and emotional release
I got a few things jotted down, started my visualisation board and am writing this entry. Once again I'd like to write some more but I'll let that go for now and work on it tomorrow ☆Check
3. Me Time - Art, Gardening or Cooking
OVER 30 minutes of me time :) I got to do more painting in the kids room I am so excited about it! It's going to be a rainforest. I am glad I got some time to myself to do it tonight it is going to look fantastic once finished. I would spend more time on it but I wouldn't get anything else done it is a project that is probably going to take the month to complete so I have to restrain myself and hold off (it's hard but I need sleep too) ☆Check
4. Exercise for physical and mental health..
I didn't succeed in this one today :( I didn't do my morning yoga as I was heading to fit club but when we got there, not enough people showed up and it didn't happen. The kids had a play and I walked up and down following them on their penny boards but after that I didn't do anything else dedicated to fitness
5. Appreciation
I think I will leave this as something I post on instagram and list other things I have appreciated for the day in the comments otherwise I am just doubling up :) so as usual my specific 30 day challenge appreciation photo can be found on instagram plus my usual #100HappyDays photo that was my inspiration to add a standout appreciation photo to my challenge :)
6. Mindful Meditation to help Relaxation & Letting go of stresses and moving on for peaceful sleep (told you I'd switch it lol)
I have made more progress in fine tuning my relaxation routine (I guess it's me lol looks like I couldn't have something that wasn't a continual work in progress in my challenge) for myself before bed it now includes a hot shower, bedtime yoga (found an awesome one on YouTube I'll link it later), photo posting, writing, malt milk & meditation.. feel free to leave me some ideas in the comments :) ☆ Check
Everyday I am feeling more and more relaxed and able to let go of the things I have not done or finished and still want to do each day, before I would have just kept going and stressing about it! I wasn't able to just stop and let go or leave it till later now I can ☆ Check
So proud of myself :D I am loving following through with this challenge I've set myself I know I've already said it but it really is helping me to really appreciate the things I have accomplished for the day and take notice!! The check list is really working for me and I love my to do & want to do lists it is, personally, working for me as a visualisation to see what is really important to me in the day, show me that I am spending my time well and getting to where I want to be even if I am not there right now..
♡ Mummy Madness